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We all have responsibility to make social media better

November 27, 2024

When it comes to the regulation of social media, the focus has rightly been on its impact on children and young people. We've seen heartbreaking stories of young lives lost due to online bullying, with cruelty that spreads quickly and unchecked. This behaviour has devastating consequences, particularly for vulnerable individuals. As a society, we must ask ourselves: what kind of culture allows such behaviour to thrive, and why is it also prevalent among adults?

While social media amplifies bullying, we must also acknowledge the importance of personal accountability. Individuals must also take responsibility for their actions, especially when their words or behaviour contribute to harm.

The rise of "keyboard warriors" has led to the false belief that bullying and intimidation are acceptable forms of expressing opinions.

Much of this harassment is not only tolerated but actively encouraged for the sake of influence, likes, and shares.

Content creators often design posts to provoke outrage and stir controversy, manipulating emotions and exploiting sensitive issues.

This content is not about genuine expression, freedom of speech or meaningful dialogue but about capitalising on conflict to drive engagement, facilitated by algorithms that reward controversy. The human cost of this harassment is often disregarded, with devastating consequences for its victims.

Leaders, both public and private, have a responsibility to set a higher standard, promoting fairness, safety, and respect in both online and offline environments. When leaders fail to uphold these standards, they inadvertently endorse a culture of division and hostility. We cannot continue to normalise the use of social media as a platform for attacking, belittling, and intimidating those who hold differing views.

True freedom of speech means respecting diverse opinions, even when they don't align with our own.

Unfortunately, the rise of an "us versus them" mindset – "You're either with us, or we will destroy you" – is dividing society and erodes social cohesion. The hostility we see online seeks to destroy someone simply because they disagree. This cruelty, disguised as free speech, leaves lasting, harmful consequences for its victims, but also for the fair and reasonable functions of our society.

We must also recognise the global impact of such divisive mentalities. The breakdown of shared values deepens these divisions, isolating individuals and weakening the fabric of society.

We need to do better. Our words and actions should reflect the world we want to create – a world where these values are the norm, not the exception.

The time for passive indifference is over. We all are responsible for building a safer, more compassionate society for everyone, especially our children.

Maria Kovacic is Liberal Senator for NSW

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